odds and ends

Busy busy busy

I’ve been pretty busy recently. It’s nice being back at work, especially at a place I like so much!:-) I’ll be off on friday, I’ll try to put some stuff up then.


This is how things get costly

I have two ways to get to work. I could either drive or take public transportation. A round trip drive will cost me about $4 vs $6 round trip for public transportation. Naturally, I’d drive at that price, it doesn’t make much sense to do it any other way.

But now I’ll be getting a $100 subsidy towards public transportation. That changes things a bit. If I drive every day (assuming a 20 day work month) I would pay $80 a month in commuting costs. $100 would buy me 16 days of public transportation. If I used the subsidy for 16 days and drove the remaining 4, I would only spend $16 a month in commuting costs.

See what just happened? The total cost of my commute actually went up from $80 to $112 even though my out of pocket expenses went down from $80 to $16. Someone is still paying the whole cost and that cost went up. Also keep in mind that $16 is what it “costs” me to take public transportation, but that isn’t an accurate figure for the total cost of using public transport. Subways, busses, etc. are all heavily subsidized with tax dollars. So the total cost has gone up by a lot more, but the exact figure is hidden.

Imagine if everyone did this, as a whole, we would be paying more for commuting than we need to. Whenever someone else pays for our stuff, consuming more and more expensive services is the logical thing to do. The key is that the extra costs do get paid for, they are just hidden in things like taxes, diminished wages, or increased premiums. If you want to keep expenses low as a whole, it is important for the consumer to bear the brunt of the costs.

This is a general concept that has all sorts of applications. Thank goodness straight subsidies aren’t all that common in our day to day life. Splitting bills evenly, health insurance, and even cash for clunkers all share some similarities with the subsidy model. When we craft policies, we need to watch out for things that make it rational to consume more and with more expense. We all end up paying when we screw that up.

odds and ends


I know that a lot of you consider me to be an Apple “expert.” Let me tell you, there is a ton to learn, even about stuff that I’m pretty comfortable with. We went over several things that I use ALL the time, and I learned new stuff. Folks here REALLY know their stuff. It keeps you humble, believe me. I guess I’ll just have to play around with stuff some more, that’s not so bad:-)

odds and ends

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Just finished up my second day of training for Apple and I gotta say, I’m pumped. Strange as it may seem, I’m actually more excited about the services than the hardware at this point.

Don’t get me wrong, the hardware is still cool as all get out, but you can only sell cool things for so long before selling them is no longer a thrill. In addition to being surrounded by really cool hardware, I will be selling, and hopefully doing, all sorts of training. That’s the difference between an Apple store and just about any other store out there. They (I guess that at some point I should start saying WE) put the emphasis on educating people, not selling per se. When people understand how much they can do, once they understand that they do not have to be intimidated by their computer, you’ve really helped them.

A lot of people look down at working retail. When retail is done right though, you can really get a lot out of it. Helping people feels good, giving them the understanding of technology and all of its uses feels great.

Can you tell I’m pumped about this? I got this feeling once in a while when working at Penn, I’m really excited to go to a place that expects this as a normal occurrence. Liking your job is awfully nice:-)

odds and ends


For those of you not familiar with where I live, allow me to fill you in. I live Springfield, a suburb of Washington DC. Drive due south on 395 and you’ll hit it. Actually, drive south on 495 (in either direction), 95, or 395 and you’ll hit it. The locals call the nexus of all of these interstates “the mixing bowl.” As far as I can tell, it is why Springfield exists at all. They have done a good job in making the traffic flow better so the mixing bowl isn’t as bad as its reputation has been.

So being close to all of those interstates makes getting anywhere you’d want to go in the NoVA area pretty easy. It’s also the end of the blue line of the metro. I live about a mile from that. The blue line gives me a straight shot into the District, and more importantly, to Pentagon city where I work.

Springfield seems to have inherited or extended the low rent areas of South Arlington and Annandale. That makes for nicer rent payments, but there are some issues. I don’t have to worry about the schools, but I’m sure they’re not as good as they are in Falls Church, Fairfax, etc. I have the impression that crime is higher as well, but I haven’t experienced any. The good thing about this is that I live with a bunch of immigrants. That’s good? Sure it is. I got used to a lot of ethnic diversity when I was in Yemen and it’s nice to get back to that.

Consider this. Both of my neighbors are from muslim countries (Afghanistan and some other, unidentified country). This means that they are much less likely to have a dog. That’s nothing but a plus in my book! In my experience, immigrant communities tend to be hard working and down to earth, and my current neighborhood seems to fit that to a tee.

Of course the real reason you want to live in an immigrant rich area is for the food. I went up to the local strip mall today and Holy ethnic dining Bat Man! There were Indian, South Indian, Thai, and several kabob places (with the innovative names of Kabob house II and Kabob house III). That, along with several latin grocery stores makes me wonder what else is around this area. If I ever make enough money to go out to eat again, I’ll be eating well!

So I’m digging the new place so far. It’s cheap, it’s convenient, it has good food, what else can you ask for in a place to live?

odds and ends

Ramadan Kareem indeed

So like I said, my neighbors on each side are muslims and are clearly immigrants. I’ve made the effort to wish them a happy Ramadan in Arabic hoping that we can start up a conversation. One of them just smiled and waved as he went in. I got the distinct impression that he doesn’t know Arabic. I briefly talked with the patriarch on the other side. He doesn’t know Arabic and his English is spotty. I did find out that he’s from Afghanistan.

While I was sitting on my stoop looking for a wireless signal, a much younger guy came up to the door of the Afghan neighbor and I wished him a happy Ramadan. He saw me using my computer and we struck up a conversation. I was going crazy trying to track down a wireless signal that wasn’t mine, it turns out that he wants someone to set up a wireless network, so we struck up a deal. I’ll set up his wireless system and he’ll let me use it. Now that’s a good deal!

Setting up the router is no big deal really. I’m a little worried about setting up his computer, but I’m sure I can muddle through, even if it’s windows. Things are looking good… maybe I’ll get to try one of their Ramadan Samosas too!:-)

odds and ends

The new place

My first night and day at the new place went by without incident. Happily, the place is pretty quiet, I slept like a baby. My housemates (so far) are decent enough. Living here reminds me of my time in Yemen a bit. There is an Afghan family to one side of me and on the other is an Arabic family from an as yet unidentified place. One of my current housemates is from El Salvador and the other is from Nicaragua. There will be a Bolivian family moving in as well in a couple of months. I love all of the international elements here, maybe I’ll pick up some Spanish as well as get to practice my Arabic…

I love the location, the bus stop is literally right around the corner and I think that even I can make the walk to the metro in good weather. There is plenty of shopping and restaurants along the bus line (along Backlick road) and everything is pretty convenient.

Mom has left her car up here until I can bring it down. I’m of two minds on the car. Yes, it is handy. On the other hand, I am on a serious austerity budget and it isn’t clear to me that I can afford car insurance, gas, taxes, etc. right now. The other ironic thing is that it is easier to walk back from the bus stop than it is to walk back from where I end up parking the car. Parking spaces are at a t here, come back at night and you might be in for a bit of a hike.

I still need to get some basic stuff to make living here easy. Stuff like salt and pepper shakers, a spoon, a plate, etc. I’ll round those things up over the next couple of days. Tomorrow, I get familiar with the bus routes…

odds and ends

The move

Everything went very smoothly, well almost everything. Kelly, Pat, mom and Rick helped me move into the new place. Thank God they were there. There was no way on earth I could have gotten my bed out of Rick’s place and up into my new place without their help. So all my stuff is now there and I am going to spend my first night there tonight!

The only hiccup occurred when I gave my landlord my check. He looked down and pointed out that my checks still said “First Union” on them. First Union was bought out by Wachovia something like 6 years ago. Obviously, I don’t write checks very often… I’ll get some new ones from the now Wells Fargo bank that I use.

My new place doesn’t have internet just yet so I’ll be offline for a little while. I’ll go up to the library and get online in the nearish future. Till then, I’ll be learning the bus lines and starting my new job!!! I’ll post news when I have it.

odds and ends

I have to wait another week

My training has been postponed for a week due to the launch of the new operating system by Apple. They just don’t have the time to deal with a new person.. SIGH

But it’s not all bad. I can get stuff done this week. I already have a new phone, and I used it to set up a dental appointment with my dentist. I’m also going to start looking at places to move into. With any luck, I’ll have a place by the time I need to report to work.

So a slight delay, but things are going on. I feel like I’m starting a new life…

odds and ends

My new job

Yes, I am no longer unemployed. At long last, I was hired by Apple computer. Once I understood that I was not going to be able to do the teaching overseas thing, working at Apple became my next goal. The trouble was that as soon as I figured this out, the economy tanked and Apple put on a hiring freeze. As days stretched into weeks and then months, I started to despair. As I’ve written before, I had never been in the position of having to do a job search before. I had simply figured out what job I wanted to do, and then I went and got it. As it turns out, I have done it again, but it took quite a bit longer than I expected…

I have been hired as a “specialist.” That is Apple-speak for a salesperson. I have no doubts that I will totally kick ass at that. After all, I have actually sold 5 Macs this year without being in the store or even working at it. My enthusiasm was enough to convince those people that a Mac was the best idea for a new purchase. I’ll be working at the Pentagon city location, come and see me if you have some time!

I am beyond psyched at having a job, and one that I will enjoy at that. The downside is that I am starting over. No really, I am. I have been hired as a part time employee. From what I can tell, this is typical. They start people as part timers and “promote” them to full time once they have proven themselves. I won’t have any trouble getting the number of hours I want. Between back to school and the holiday season, there will be plenty of work to go around.

In addition to being a part timer, I will be paid essentially the same amount I got paid when I first joined Penn Camera back in ’97. That’s a huge pay cut as compared to what I was making before I left. On the other hand, it’s a hell of a lot more than I was getting being unemployed… No matter, I consider this a foot in the door. Apple gives me an opportunity to go places professionally that I just couldn’t go in the last company. In addition to going into management, there are all sorts of other opportunities to be had as well. I could become a trainer, I could go into tech support, I could go into the corporate world. The sky’s the limit!

So yeah, I can’t wait to start. I’m also excited at the prospect of starting a new chapter in my life. There’s no telling who I’ll meet, where I’ll go, or what opportunities I’ll come across. It’s good to have some excitement about life again!