OK, I’ve got a better looking site up now. Right now it has the same
content as the old one but I hope to add some more essays in the coming
weeks. Here’s the address:
That last backslash is important, the site won’t load without it. I
think this is just some .mac wackiness. I’d recommend getting to the
blog through the home page, that way you’ll see if there’s been
anything added. I promise I will add stuff at a fairly regular basis. I
have rough drafts of “A Crash Course in Coasian Economics”, “In Defense
of Ugly Pictures”, and, “What Camera Should I Get?” With any luck,
they’ll start appearing on the site within a week or so.
3 replies on “New website”
new site
Like the new site a lot. Makes me want to update my own, with that 47 seconds of free time I seem to get a week. *sigh* Seriously, I should have some new pics up pretty soon. Did a final test of the Rembrandt, and the bellows seem light-tight, so it’s time to get serious. We should schedule a meeting of the large-format geeks soon.
Pleasant journey to NY.
Re: new site
Actually, it took all of 40 minutes to put that site up. It would have taken less if I read the instructions to the program… Here’s a plug for a really really easy web page authoring program called rapid weaver. It’s 30 something bucks for the full version. I like it quite a bit cause I’m too lazy to learn XML and all that other crap. BTW, my free .Mac account is going to expire in a month or so. I tried to log back into the training stuff, but it looks like they want me to resubmit all that info again. Could you email me our vendor number etc when you get a chance? Thanks!
Re: new site
Hey! You should tell me when you have things like websites, and livejournals. I need to know these things. 🙂
You shall be added now.