odds and ends

Weird dreams…

Man, woke up this morning from a dream where my mother had taken me shoe shopping. We were discussing various ergonomic shoe topics and looking at some odd looking shoes (but they were mighty comfy). Granted, I do need new shoes, but what a strange thing to dream about.

I also had a strange dream where I went out to dinner and managed to wrack up a $570 bill just for myself. It was a feast, and it was great food. I knew that I was splurging on the meal, but I almost fell out of my chair when I got the bill. I remember being offended at the $170 in tax (natch) and the several hundred dollars worth of music and Dr. Who shows I got with the meal. Then I realized I still had to add the tip…


It wasn’t that couldn’t pay, but I was really pissed that I had blown my money like that. I woke up, and that disappointment stayed with me for the next half hour or so it took me to wake up. I was going through my Christmas shopping lists and trying to figure out what i could do instead of what I planned. Relief flooded over me when I finally came around and realized I hadn’t been so stupid. Maybe I shouldn’t go to bed hungry…

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