

I’ve had better days… Fridays are my longest day, 12 hours at the store. Tonight I forgot that they closed my ramp going home so that meant at least an extra half hour to wind myself back the right way. In the ensuing backup, I got rear ended. The force sent me into the women in front of me. Here’s the kicker, the guy that hit me drove off, I didn’t have time to get a tag number or anything… Grrrr…. So me and the woman in front of me waited 40 minutes for the state police to arrive. Everything went smoothly enough after that but grrrrrr. Truth be told, I’m more upset about that jackass leaving the scene, I’m a little worried about what will happen insurance wise. Everyone was fine, but I’m a little worried about what they’ll do to my car. It isn’t worth a great deal of money at this point. If they total it, I’m not sure what I’ll do. The damage isn’t spectacular, but I know how expensive repairs can be… I only need the car for 4 months…

I did get my airline tickets bought today. I’ll be leaving Oct. 25th. I saved about $400 from the best price I could find. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it still cost me $1950! It also looks as though getting there will be a bit of an adventure, the initial itinerary took two days to get there with 3 connecting flights. One to Newark, one to Germany, one to Dubai, and then finally Sanna. Normally, I would avoid that many connecting flights like the plague, but 400 extra dollars might allow me to stay an extra month. I’ll trade 2 days of airport boredom for an extra month anyday. The other reason the ticket cost so much is that it is good for an entire year. I can get out of dodge if necessary earlier, but I at least have a year there. I’ll play it by ear if I decide to stay longer. OK, one very big thing crossed off my list of things to do…


4 replies on “Groan…”

Since it was essentially a hit and run, and there’s already been a police report made, it will probably be a Uninsured Motorist claim on your own policy. I’m not sure about the damages of the woman you were pushed into. I think the UIM deductible is usually $250. If they decide that your car is totalled, you can buy it back from them if you really want to.

I just worry about how much I’ll be out money-wise. Honestly, since I only need the car for 4 more months, I don’t really care if it gets fixed or not (and assuming that the car still works properly, I haven’t dared pop the hood or trunk for fear that they won’t close again.). Part of me thinks that if they do total it and give me money, maybe it’ll speed up the process for leaving work. But I don’t think they’ll give me enough to do that… Odds are that’ll I’ll be out my deductible and I’ll get it fixed so that the car is worth something… We’ll see what the estimates are like, the lady in front of me is a real wild card. In a fair and just world, I wouldn’t be liable for any of her damages since it wasn’t my fault, but we all know how things work out sometimes…


Well, Dubai does sound interesting. It is fabulously wealthy and the destination of of the hip and affluent in the Arab world. Unfortunately, other than a brief layover, I won’t be going to Dubai, I’ll be going to Yemen. A poor, corrupt place that most people avoid. I do think I’ll learn more (both Arabic and political/religious stuff) in Yemen than in a wealthy area. Imagine trying to learn about American culture by only visiting the Hamptons…

On the bright side, the insurance company may decide to give me some money and that will either speed up my leaving work or buy me some more breathing room with my budget. So I’m determined to get the best out of this…


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