
Updated my website

    And no, it’s not any of the topics I promised
earlier. This is just a little rambling about the Pixies and Frank
Black’s later recordings. There’s a few typos, but I don’t feel like
correcting them just right now. I gotta get back to the rumor sites and
try to figure out what Apple will actually do tomorrow…



Big news for Apple tomorrow…

    The net’s abuzz with the story that Apple will
announce that they will switch to Intel as their primary chip supplier.
Many Mac fans are terrified, I’m pretty excited. I love the OS, the
style, and the reliability of the Macs, but let’s face facts, the
hardware is usually lacking in comparison to the more mainstream
hardware manufacturers. This is especially true when you look at price
and laptops as the primary targets. Apple has been lagging rather badly
with it’s laptop line, neither IBM or Freescale (formally motorola)
seem to be able to produce a competitive chip. Intel has one hell of a
mobile processor, let’s hope that Apple can make the transition
smoothly with minimal software upgrade pain.



It’s official

    I am obsessing about my trip next year. I spent the
entire night dreaming that I was travelling to Cairo. Never got there
in the dream, I went from airport to airport talking to people on the
planes and starting by Arabic ABCs. In one of the dreams I was actually
going to Saudi Arabia, Medina I think. In any case, it was exciting and
only pumped me up even more. Now that My hair has been cut (Thanks
Jenny) I’ll start the process of getting my passport.



Got my video card

    Now I can see what my new monitor can do! It’s quite
nice, big, sharp, and bright. The only problem is that my laptop
monitor sucks in comparison:-) Now I can type and surf properly. Got my
hair cut last night, it was good to see Jenny. We hung out and caught
up and I now look respectable too! Tomorow I’m working 10-9, so I
probably won’t be posting again until the weekend…
